Herefordshire FHS are also holding Free Zoom Meetings, see here
Zoom Meetings at 7-30pm (Meeting open from 7pm)
Researching your Rural Ancestors handout
2025 Zoom
Tuesday 14th January – Clare O’Grady – Researching your Rural Ancestors
Until well into the 19th century, England and Wales was predominantly rural in nature. As a result, most of us will find our roots in the English and Welsh countryside. But where can we find out more about the lives that our rural ancestors led?
This talk will introduce you to some of the main sources for rural life including estate records, farm diaries, manorial records and records produced by unions and societies.
Tuesday 11th February – John Vigar – Churches in Retirement
What happens to Anglican churches when they are no longer needed for their original purpose? Some are demolished; others are converted to houses, offices or shops. Yet there are a few that are so precious that none of these solutions is deemed suitable.
Fifty years ago they would have been shut up and left to decay. The same might be true today had not a charity, The Friends of Friendless Churches, been established in 1957. It hoped struggling churches to keep their doors open and lobbied Parliament to establish a mechanism whereby important buildings could be saved. This led to the establishment of The Churches Conservation Trust in 1969.
Tuesday 11th March – Ian Waller – What Happened to Lucy
There are No Zoom Meetings during the Summer Months of April – August
Tuesday 9th September – Kelly Cornwell
Transported to Tasmania – Exploring English and Australian records to help you discover more about your female convict ancestors; demonstrated via the case study of a young girl from Shoreditch, her conviction, transportation and ensuing escapades in Tasmania.
Tuesday 14th October – TBC
Tuesday 11th November – Addressing the Past – Helen Baggott
Using the chance discovery of a WWI address book, this talk will reveal which addressee lived in Hampton Court, where you could see the Professor and a family whose history casts a dark cloud over our pasts