Editor: Jenny Caines, The Old Manse, Scarr, Lydeard-St-Lawrence, Taunton. TA4 3RH.
Email: jennyscarr73@hotmail.com
The Cronicl is sent out to members three times a year, in early April, August and December. A good half of each Cronicl is made up of members contributions, which are always welcomed. If you have a story to tell, please send it in for our consideration. There are a few guidelines:
- Articles are best presented simply and straightforwardly. Suggested length not exceeding 2,500 words. There is no minimum length requirement. 2 or 3 liners such as unusual parish records entries are always welcome.
- Photos should be of good quality and not marked on the front, though a full description should be included.
- Footnotes or end notes may accompany the article but may not be included. However they will be made available on request.
- Most importantly, copyright must not be infringed, so if the photos/illustrations are not your own, please ensure they may be reproduced. Credit may be given if the photos you supply are not your own but you have permission from the owner.
Every article received will be acknowledged. I look forward to hearing from you!
The Powys FHS gallery on this site is well worth a look; if you find that your village, or the village of your ancestors, is not represented there, how about sending in a few of your own photos that can be added to our collection? Send them to me via the email above with details of location and I’ll see they are included.
Upcoming articles:-
Did Shakespeare ever visit Brecon? Well, it seems so. The Vaughans of Trebarried, Llandefalle, were patrons of Shakespeare and it is supposed he stayed there in 1595. When in Breconshire he is thought to have visited Clydach Gorge, near Gilwern.
If your family tree includes the names Blaney, Griffiths, Jones (whose doesn’t!), Dalar Evans, Probert or Morgan – look out for articles about these people. There is also an article about the Salmon of the Wye, and some of the reasons for their disappearance. Poaching was commonplace in earlier days, and in 1900 three members of the Lloyd family of Penybont were sadly drowned while on a poaching expedition after dark.
The largest recorded salmon ever caught from the Wye was 59.5 lbs – unimaginable!
Epitaph from the Cambrian, 18th August 1804
Here lies interr’d a noted drone,
who died of laziness alone.
When trumpets rouse us from the ground
His sleep, I fear, will be too sound.
August 1891: Brecon and Radnor Express: “Professor Shipley attempts a balloon assent at Hay on Wye horse show. The attempt failed when the balloon rose 4 yards in height, turned over and the gas escaped. Briefly, Mr Shipley was caught around the neck by a loose rope but managed to break free.”
The archived Cronicls make good reading, and are now indexed, making it easier to see if your family interests have been covered at any time in the past.
If you could see your ancestors, all standing in a row, would you be proud of them, or don’t you really know?
Some strange discoveries are made in climbing family trees; and some of them you know, do not particularly please.
If you could see your ancestors, all standing in a row, there might be some of them perhaps, you wouldn’t care to know.
But there’s another question which requires a different view…If you could ‘meet’ your ancestors, would they be proud of you?
The source for the poem above was Dilys Glover, a founder member of Powys FHS and longtime President until her death in early 2019.